Richard Boulet

A well-rounded artist, his personal research is rooted in an autobiographical experience often of suffering, which led him to question his personal condition of marginality, in his works extended to the community.

Richard Boulet, a Canadian artist working in Edmonton, maintains an active practice in the studio that addresses issues of marginalization, particularly mental health issues and, more recently, concerns related to LGBTQ2S+ communities. Boulet has three degrees, two from the University of Manitoba, first in Environmental Studies (Architecture) and then a BFA in Painting, then an MFA from the University of Alberta in Drawing and Intermediate, where he honed his desire to work with textiles by combining text and image. He exhibited extensively, with a national tour that included the Textile Museum of Canada, as well as multiple solo and group exhibitions. The interview took place in artverona, where Richard Boulet participated in the exhibition space Arte Connettiva.

I cross-stitch every day. It’s like a meditation, and the use of needle and thread is a gift I give to myself.

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