What we do

We are an editorial and curatorial project to enhance the complexities of the person through forms of art and contemporary culture.


We are a pair of polyhedral lenses, a tool to look at reality from different points of view, so as to make it richer and clearer.

We curate art exhibitions with an inclusive spirit


13.02 - 31.03.2025 Spazio 996/A, Venezia

Small pleasures is an art exhibition and a program of events, cinema and community workshops by Exhibition Care, LENSart and Garance & Marion Gallert at Apazio 996/A , Venice.

Celebrates the meeting between textile art and graphic art, and leads to discover the beauty hidden in everyday life, in the small pleasures that accompany us in our days, making them meaningful. Through works by international artists, the exhibition explores the power of imagination, transforming the small pleasures of everyday life into artistic inspiration, an invitation to slow down the hectic pace of life and rediscover what surrounds us.

Opening hours and activities at www.exhibitioncare.com/piccolipiaceri


A crative bridge from here to Africa

From April the 13rd
La Sobilla, Salita Santo Sepolcro 6/b, Verona

Among the most significant initiatives of the collective, stands out the project “TAPU Bridge”, started in 2018 with the aim of organizing art workshops in County Kiliffi, South Kenya, with a focus on art and disability.

This project offers space and conditions to the boys and girls of the community, many of whom have never had access to artistic tools, to express themselves starting from simple indications such as “draw yourself” or “draw your family”exploring the power of drawing as a generative artistic tool, creating works imbued with sincerity and spontaneity.

The activities are aimed at the approach and to encourage local artistic production. Browsing through the drawings of the workshops means entering a window of authenticity and immersing yourself in the instinct of those who do not mind how or what,  but let a smile guide their hand.


7 - 22 april 2024
Isolo17 Gallery, Via XX Settembre 31/b, Verona

The artists on show tell us, through their works, on different levels and each in their own personal expressive style, their own unique inside and outside world.

They tell us about the questioning the perception of the other: the encounter, exchange and mutual communication is told, which is a meeting of very different shapes, colors and techniques, but united by a suspended time and space, as if to recall the intrinsic intimacy of the moment represented, a whole that in itself contains a sense of extraordinary and universal.

Spontaneity, immediacy, warmth intertwine the life stories of people who have never crossed paths with each other, yet they hold that point between the stomach and the heart in those who observe its expressiveness.


2 dicembre 2023 - 31 marzo 2024
Isolo17 Gallery, Via XX Settembre 31/b, Verona

Arte Connettiva does not distinguish, it includes. It includes artists of all backgrounds and has a particular attention for those who often find themselves in the shadow, outside the traditional cultural channels or notoriety, not by choice but as a result of social structures that tend increasingly to standardization, the flattening of identity, the approval of others, excluding those who, willingly or unwillingly, avoids such trends.

Connective artists, as we call them, embrace individual authenticity and strive to transform their experiences into a new cultural generation, challenging many times the written and unwritten norms of the contemporary artistic establishment.


Albert & Mr Heart
Lisa Perini & Lisa Binato

July 2nd - August 31st 2023 Isolo17 Gallery Via Venti Settembre 31/b, Verona

Pairing or contrast: this is the first meaning of Dualities, which sees in dialogue two pairs of artists and artists: Albert and Mr Heart, in the first room, Lisa Perini and Lisa Binato, in the second.

Duality of form and matter, of meaning and support. Artists and artists remind us that one does not exist without the two, that we are strongly and indissolubly linked to the comparison with the other, that the different is nothing but the necessary condition to make the existence of each being shine, in all its uniqueness, peculiarity and beauty.


April 1st- 23rd, 2023
- Hall of the Threehoundred Palace of Treviso
- Civic Library of Verona​

Two places particularly symbolic for the city’s collective growth hosted the first exhibition by LENSart.
The Civic Library is perhaps the guardian venue of culture and knowledge par excellence. A place of culture, knowledge, meeting, dialogue and growth in the life of the city of Verona.
The Hall of the Threehundred Palace, a historic building dating back to the 12th century, is also a place of meeting, discussion and growth in the life of the city of Treviso, where the City Council still meets today.


Formative, not performative art

- September 2021, Spazio Thetis, Arsenale Nord di Venezia - April 2022, Biblioteca Frinzi of Verona, on the occasion of Euritmie
October 2022, Castello Visconti di Somma Lombardo

A collective exhibition of 11 artists, which has more than 30 works including ceramics, charcoal and sketches, portraits and self-portraits, paintings on canvas, some from private collections.
With the participation of the Atelier Espressivo “I Pitturatori” and Richard Boulet.

The selected works represent a path of identity research: often inspired by the experiences and relationships of everyday life, the artists transform into matter their feelings, memories, friendships, loves. A world that desires to emerge strong in its complexity, which manifests itself through expressive and aesthetic forms that return to the origin of artistic creation and reveal its essence.

We organize cultural events to enhance networks

Film program

The value of differences

February 21st , February 28th, March 6th 2024

Three acclaimed film screenings dedicated to the enhancement of diversity and social promotion. 

A moment of reflection through different art forms: cinema, of course, but also textiles, painting, drawing.

The Third Paradise between sharing and inclusiveness

Arte formativa, non performante

September 19th, 2023 Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano​

Connection, interaction, dialogue, generation, collectivity, responsibility, society, science, art: there are many key words that could be associated with the socially engaged art initiative that was inspired by the Third Paradise on 19 September at the Presidential Estate of Castelporziano, and which saw the participation of neurotypical people, neuroatypical, children and adults. 

The performance, which aims to dissolve the paradigm of distrust towards the different, is proposed by Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto Onlus and Connettivismo in the framework of the Quirinale Contemporaneo project of the Presidency of the Republic.

The performance was presented to President Mattarella at the closing party of the social initiatives of the Presidential Estate of Castelporziano on 29 September 2023.


13-15 October 2023
Viale dell'industria 8, Verona

A palimpsest of events with a strong artistic, scientific and social value dedicated to art and neuroirregularity, aimed at enhancing artistic expression in all its manifestations, declinations and divergences, within the event artverona 2023.

The talk “Connective art: the faculty of differences” between Maestro Michelangelo Pistoletto and Dott. Leonardo Zoccante; the dialogue between the two will explore the relationship between Art and Sciences of Mind.

An international collective exhibition of inclusive art “Connective Art”, curated by Matilde Nuzzo and Francesca Malverti, which showcases the works of Richard Boulet, Dianelis Massip Lopez, Mario Pellegrini.

A performative installation with the Italian artist Patrizio Vanessi. For the occasion, Vanessi will create together with six artists a large canvas, which will be cut at different times of the three days of the event and shared with the public of artverona, as an emblem of integration, inclusion and sharing,

We design art workshops to bring out hidden expressiveness

Sensorial Explorations

In collaboration with GAV, art teacher Anna Todeschini.

Three cycles of workshops starting in November 2024 where to approach art, discover and discover onself through senses and sensations.

We create space, both physical and not, where young people starting from childhood with different neuro-functions can experience creativity to express their inner world between visual arts behind the guidance of experts and professionals specialized in art and (neuro)diversity.


Vanessi in collaboration with Lisa Perini, Efren Perlotto, Thomas Tessari, Lorenza Cielo, Marco Carbogno, Richard Boulet
October 2023

We asked 7 artists to share a canvas of 8 meters, their creativity and their art making.

Free Tree represents the sharing on several levels: if at first the artists have shared the finished space of the canvas in the creative phase of production of the work, who chooses to take home a fragment, must accept that he cannot have the work in its entirety, but in a part.

Tree Free represents the sharing of artists, but also of the work itself, so that it will enter the homes of more than 300 people, who will have a part of something bigger.

We write reviews with advice on exhibitions, readings and cinema


A vision tip, a list of titles that touch, deepen and cross the themes treated by artists and artists of LENSart.

Like a kaleidoscope, they show all the colors, shapes and facets that a person can have and the change, the continuous becoming, transforming and taking new life of life itself.

Our invitation is to get out of your personal mindset and select the film you would not normally choose.

This is a participatory list: we thank those who contributed to compile it and we invite you to suggest new titles.


A reading tip, a list of books that touch on, explore and cross the themes addressed by LENSart artists.

Like a kaleidoscope, they show all the colors, shapes and facets a person can have and the change, the continuous morphing, transforming and taking on renewed life of life itself.

Our invitation is to get out of your personal mindset and select that one title you would not usually choose.

This is a partecipated list: we thank everyone who contributed in compiling it and we invite you to recommend new titles.

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